PMG generator

Latest technology three phase permanent magnet generator with double bearings installed.

Stable axle

Olympus series are the only wind turbine globally that comprise stable axle. That gives better stability and endurance on the entire structure.

External flaps

Are made by a special plastic and reinforced with carbon fiber. Internally comprise inox wire for holding the flap in case of a fracture.

Internal flaps

Are made by stainless steel. They are used to start the rotation of the wind turbine at low wind speed.

Inhibition flap system

That is an innovative and patented (WO-A1-2008/053282) system for keeping the rpm stable. Its functionality is based on the centrifugal force which applies on the external flaps during the rotational of the wind turbine.

Vibration sensor

For security reasons, if vibration occur at the wind turbine, automatically the electro-mechanical brake enables and fully stop wind turbine operation.

RPM proximity sensor

It is used as a secondary safety command in case of wind turbine over-speed.

Lower pillow block

Heavy duty angular bearing. All the load of the system applies on this pillow block, as a result the generator bearings rotates at very small loads which gives tremendous life to the generator.

Electromechanical brake

It is used to brake the wind turbine for full stop at specific situations. It is activated automatically by the controller unit. Also, can be activated by the user manually, by pressing the emergency stop button which is located on the controller unit.

Wind speed meter

It is used to automatically restart the wind turbine function after a full stop. Also, it is used as a secondary safety command for full stop, during very high wind speed >18m/s.

designed to last

Careful and detailed research has been conducted at Myronwind’s research centre to ensure that Olympus series not only their long life and dependability, but also that they are safe, for humans, for themselves and from even the severest weather conditions.

Due to its unique controller WindMaster, can ensure that the wind turbine will  act successfully at any   situations depending on the wind turbine operation and weather conditions, making the wind turbine safe especially for installation in the urban environment.
